How to play airwheel ?
Airwheel is the newest unicycle.People need some skills to ride it .Let me share some experience about How to play airwheel
1.First of all ,be confident .Everyone can ride it ,however old you are.If you are still afraid ,wear your helmet .But trust me ,it is not cool.
2.Charge it for 45 min.Yes ,45min ,it will be full.And you can ride it with full of fun.
3.Some rules should be noticed prior riding .
a.Do not care about Airwheel if you are about to flow down.
b.Just jump.The Airwheel is not easy to break.
4.If you are riding it on your own ,just choose a wall to help yourself adjust to riding on the Airwheel.I suggest you to find a partner ,so that you can learn fast when he or she is helping you to learn.And be sure to assemble the training wheels.
5.Follow the following steps to learn Airwheelx3
a.Turn on the Airwheel.
b.Stand your foot on the right pedal,and lean the Airwheel.Slowly stand on the Airwheel with two feet.
c.Try a few times and find your feeling of riding it .
6.Slowly give some force ahead on your feet.The Airwheel will go ahead.And use your force backward to your feet ,The Airwheel will go backwark.Have a try .And you will find the Airwheel is listen your orders.
7.Just try ,try ,try ,Find the feeling of riding it .After 30min ,you will be the master of your Airwheel.
Good luck .Guys.
Airwheel Facebook page.